Boatshed Boats Archive
Think of the world’s esteemed repositories of human endeavor – Louvre, Library of Congress, Metropolitan, Smithsonian, National Gallery, Vatican Museum... They serve humankind by making their valuable contents open for all to see.
While not as mighty a contribution to posterity, Boatshed is making its valuable trove of previously listed and sold boats accessible to Boat Nuts, in the form of the Boatshed Boats Archive!
Having listed and sold over 20,000 Boatshed boats worldwide since our founding in 1999, we have amassed a treasury of digital documentation. Our servers are bulging with glorious boat details. Presented in Boatshed’s characteristic way – thorough, transparent, and honest –photos, videos, virtual tours and technical details of boats of all types are there for the examination, with no gloves required. Contributed by hundreds of knowledgeable Boatshed brokers there are power boats, sail boats, canal boats and barges, tugs and other commercial boats, racing boats – boats of all sizes, ages and types.
What would a true Boat Nut do with this information at his or her fingertips?
Use it to inform, inspire, motivate, evaluate, compare or dream. Whatever! We don’t judge.
Access is free for all Boat Nuts. Why? Because we’re Boat Nuts too! And the information is too good to keep hidden.