This 19th Annual Camano Rendezvous will be held at the Lopez Islander Resort, Fishermen's Bay, Lopez Island, Washington.

Arrive Friday July 8 and depart July 10.

Make your slip reservation by calling Cathy at the resort, 800-736-3434 or 360-468-2233. We have forty 30-foot slips and six 40-foot slips reserved for our group. For late bookers there will be additional opportunity for side-ties and rafting.

Please also let Scott or Lisa know that you'll be attending so that we can keep a tally.

Scott Helker
Lisa Helker

There's plenty to do at the resort and on the island! Check out
Lopez Islander Bay Resort

An agenda will be published closer to the event.

Email Invitations have been sent, if you are a Camano 31, 41 or Bracewell 41 owner and have not received your e-invite contact us to get on our list.